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      CheapCheap™ Indoor/Outdoor 7 Mil Static Cling (white but works inside or outside)
      These signs ship from San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Detroit, Columbus, Nashville and Denver and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      Window Clings are near photo quality and ideal for POP signage on glass or glass-like smooth clean surfaces.
      They are printed on a glossy material and can be used indoor or outdoor.
      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      1 2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $26 $32 $51 $82 $145 $176 $207 $269 $331

      3x1 $29 $39 $67 $113 $207 $253 $300 $394 $487

      1.5x2 $29 $39 $67 $113 $207 $253 $300 $394 $487

      4x1 $32 $45 $82 $145 $269 $331 $394 $518 $643

      2x2 $32 $45 $82 $145 $269 $331 $394 $518 $643 Signs must be

      6x1 $39 $57 $113 $207 $394 $487 $580 $767 $954 same.

      3x2 $39 $57 $113 $207 $394 $487 $580 $767 $954

      4x2 $45 $70 $145 $269 $518 $643 $767 $1,016 $1,265

      3x3 $48 $76 $160 $300 $580 $720 $860 $1,141 $1,421

      5x2 $51 $82 $176 $331 $643 $798 $954 $1,265 $1,576

      6x2 $57 $95 $207 $394 $767 $954 $1,141 $1,514 $1,888

      4x3 $57 $95 $207 $394 $767 $954 $1,141 $1,514 $1,888

      5x3 $67 $113 $253 $487 $954 $1,187 $1,421 $1,888 $2,354

      4x4 $70 $120 $269 $518 $1,016 $1,265 $1,514 $2,012 $2,510

      5x4 $82 $145 $331 $643 $1,265 $1,576 $1,888 $2,510 $3,133

      7x3 $85 $151 $347 $674 $1,327 $1,654 $1,981 $2,635 $3,288

      8x4 $120 $219 $518 $1,016 $2,012 $2,510 $3,008 $4,004 $5,000

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.
      Minimum Size: 24" High X 24" Wide
      Maximum Size: 53" High X 150' Wide
      The maximum values for this product are 120 inches by 53 inches.
      (10.0 feet by 4.4 feet)
      Prints will have a paper backer that will be peeled off prior to application. Material will only cling on back side of print. I

      CleanWet&Cling™ Window & Smooth Surface Full Color Cling Material - 2.3 Mil
      These signs ship from Houston, Las Vegas, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Houston, New York and Hartford and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      1 2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      4x1 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583

      2x2 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583

      6x1 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583

      3x2 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583 Signs can be

      4x2 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583 different.

      3x3 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583 Group shipping

      5x2 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583 applies.

      6x2 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583

      4x3 $51 $83 $176 $333 $645 $801 $958 $1,270 $1,583

      5x3 $55 $90 $194 $369 $718 $892 $1,066 $1,415 $1,764

      4x4 $57 $94 $206 $392 $764 $950 $1,136 $1,508 $1,880

      5x4 $67 $113 $253 $485 $950 $1,183 $1,415 $1,880 $2,345

      7x3 $69 $118 $264 $508 $997 $1,241 $1,485 $1,973 $2,461

      8x4 $94 $169 $392 $764 $1,508 $1,880 $2,252 $2,996 $3,740

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      CheapCheap™ 8 Mil Clear Static Cling Printed - Mount Inside, View Outside
      These signs ship from St. Louis, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Portland and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      8 mil clear window cling originating from the San Francisco area.

      2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      $43 $63 $104 $186 $229 $244 $318 $391

      $45 $83 $145 $243 $299 $355 $321 $398

      $45 $83 $145 $243 $299 $355 $321 $398 Signs must be

      $70 $145 $243 $323 $393 $323 $423 $524 same.

      $53 $105 $186 $318 $395 $323 $424 $528

      $70 $145 $243 $323 $398 $474 $624 $776

      $86 $188 $318 $424 $524 $625 $826 $1,028

      $95 $208 $355 $474 $588 $700 $928 $1,154

      $95 $208 $355 $473 $588 $700 $928 $1,154

      $120 $244 $323 $625 $776 $928 $1,230 $1,533

      $133 $273 $361 $700 $870 $1,041 $1,381 $1,721

      $154 $318 $423 $826 $1,028 $1,230 $1,633

      $188 $393 $524 $1,028 $1,280 $1,533

      $195 $285 $551 $1,079 $1,343 $1,609

      $259 $424 $826 $1,633

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      CheapCheap™ 4 Mil Clear Static Cling Printed - Mount Inside, View Outside
      These signs ship from Portland, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Oklahoma City, Grand Rapids, Memphis and Memphis and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      Comes in white too.
      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      1 2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $29 $39 $67 $114 $208 $255 $302 $395 $489

      3x1 $34 $48 $90 $161 $302 $372 $442 $583 $724

      1.5x2 $34 $48 $90 $161 $302 $372 $442 $583 $724

      4x1 $39 $58 $114 $208 $395 $489 $583 $771 $959

      2x2 $39 $58 $114 $208 $395 $489 $583 $771 $959 Signs can be

      6x1 $48 $76 $161 $302 $583 $724 $865 $1,146 $1,428 different.

      3x2 $48 $76 $161 $302 $583 $724 $865 $1,146 $1,428 Group shipping

      4x2 $58 $95 $208 $395 $771 $959 $1,146 $1,522 $1,897 applies.

      3x3 $62 $104 $231 $442 $865 $1,076 $1,287 $1,709 $2,132

      5x2 $67 $114 $255 $489 $959 $1,193 $1,428 $1,897 $2,366

      6x2 $76 $133 $302 $583 $1,146 $1,428 $1,709 $2,272 $2,836

      4x3 $76 $133 $302 $583 $1,146 $1,428 $1,709 $2,272 $2,836

      5x3 $90 $161 $372 $724 $1,428 $1,780 $2,132 $2,836 $3,539

      4x4 $95 $170 $395 $771 $1,522 $1,897 $2,272 $3,023 $3,774

      5x4 $114 $208 $489 $959 $1,897 $2,366 $2,836 $3,774 $4,713

      7x3 $119 $217 $513 $1,005 $1,991 $2,484 $2,976 $3,962 $4,947

      8x4 $170 $320 $771 $1,522 $3,023 $3,774 $4,525 $6,026 $7,528

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.
      The material used for printing window clings come in white, clear, and a clear with white backside. Window clings
      are great for window store signage, window posters, information, and graphics that pop and eye-catching
      Minimum Size: 24" High X 24" Wide
      Maximum Size: 53" High X 150' Wide

      CheapCheap™ 8 Mil Clear Static Cling Printed - Mount Inside, View Inside
      These signs ship from Milwaukee, Louisville, Portland, Atlanta, Nashville, Los Angeles and Kansas City and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      8 mil clear window cling with spot white backer originating from the San Francisco area.
      ft. x ft.

      2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      $59 $85 $144 $261 $320 $341 $446 $550

      $61 $115 $203 $341 $420 $498 $453 $559

      $61 $115 $203 $341 $420 $498 $453 $559

      $74 $144 $261 $446 $550 $453 $595 $738 Signs must be

      $74 $144 $261 $446 $550 $453 $595 $738 same.

      $96 $203 $341 $453 $559 $666 $878 $1,093

      $120 $261 $445 $595 $738 $880 $1,164 $1,449

      $133 $291 $498 $666 $826 $986 $1,306 $1,626

      $133 $291 $498 $666 $826 $986 $1,306 $1,626

      $168 $341 $453 $880 $1,093 $1,306 $1,733 $2,159

      $203 $420 $560 $1,093 $1,360 $1,626 $2,159

      $215 $446 $595 $1,164 $1,449 $1,733 $2,301

      $261 $550 $738 $1,449 $1,804 $2,159

      $274 $399 $773 $1,520 $1,893 $2,266

      $366 $600 $1,169 $2,308

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      CheapCheap™ 4 Mil Clear Static Cling Printed With Spot White Backer - Mount Inside, View Inside
      These signs ship from Austin, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Memphis, Columbus and Phoenix and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      Comes in white too.
      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      1 2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $61 $76 $123 $201 $358 $436 $514 $671 $827

      3x1 $68 $92 $162 $280 $514 $632 $749 $984 $1,218

      1.5x2 $68 $92 $162 $280 $514 $632 $749 $984 $1,218

      4x1 $76 $108 $201 $358 $671 $827 $984 $1,297 $1,609 Signs can be

      2x2 $76 $108 $201 $358 $671 $827 $984 $1,297 $1,609 different.

      6x1 $92 $139 $280 $514 $984 $1,218 $1,453 $1,922 $2,392 Group shipping

      3x2 $92 $139 $280 $514 $984 $1,218 $1,453 $1,922 $2,392 applies.

      4x2 $108 $170 $358 $671 $1,297 $1,609 $1,922 $2,548 $3,174

      3x3 $115 $186 $397 $749 $1,453 $1,805 $2,157 $2,861 $3,565

      5x2 $123 $201 $436 $827 $1,609 $2,000 $2,392 $3,174 $3,956

      6x2 $139 $233 $514 $984 $1,922 $2,392 $2,861 $3,800 $4,738

      4x3 $139 $233 $514 $984 $1,922 $2,392 $2,861 $3,800 $4,738

      5x3 $162 $280 $632 $1,218 $2,392 $2,978 $3,565 $4,738 $5,911

      4x4 $170 $295 $671 $1,297 $2,548 $3,174 $3,800 $5,051 $6,303

      5x4 $201 $358 $827 $1,609 $3,174 $3,956 $4,738 $6,303 $7,867

      7x3 $209 $374 $866 $1,688 $3,330 $4,151 $4,973 $6,615 $8,258

      8x4 $295 $546 $1,297 $2,548 $5,051 $6,303 $7,554 $10,057 $12,560

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.
      The material used for printing window clings come in white, clear, and a clear with white backside. Window clings are great
      for window store signage, window posters, information, and graphics that pop and eye-catching
      Minimum Size: 24" High X 24" Wide
      Maximum Size: 53" High X 150' Wide

      CleanWet&Cling™ Window & Smooth Surface Full Color Cling Material - Digital Clear and Digital White
      A great promotional tool for your storefront, vehicles, and any other place you can think to stick it, this opaque white
      vinyl-base cling is easy to adhere and reusable. Zero split, 8mil white vinyl on 8pt liner

      These signs ship from Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Torontor, Edmonton, Cleveland, Vancouver and Montreal and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      Please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com for a quote.

      25 50 75 100 250 500 750 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

      INCHES opaque, transparent or transparent reverse image

      2x3.5 $50 $54 $58 $61 $74 $95 $130 $141 $235 $326 $417 $501

      3.5x8.5 $65 $75 $83 $88 $144 $235 $345 $417 $779 $1,145 $1,509 $1,869

      4x6 $65 $72 $81 $90 $142 $235 $345 $411 $765 $1,136 $1,499 $1,869

      5.5x8.5 $74 $80 $99 $107 $189 $324 $489 $595 $1,139 $1,685 $2,232 $2,779

      8.5x11 $130 $140 $150 $162 $322 $594 $921 $1,129 $1,996 $2,973 $3,947 $4,921

      11x17 $200 $223 $255 $279 $615 $1,175 $1,845 $2,295 $3,925 $5,895 $7,842 $9,789

      Change a flat smooth clean surfaces into a way to get your customer's message across to their clients.
      Static Cling Stock Opaque(white), Static Cling Stock Transparent

      Perfect for windows and flat surfaces to showcase your message to the audience. These are fully customizable and come
      in clear and opaque stocks. Clings only cling on unprinted side. If you would like the clings to cling from inside and display
      outside select transparent cling stock and invert your image.

      CleanWet&Cling™ DualView White Static Cling Printed in Full Color on One Side or Two
      Our DualView white window cling originate from Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Las Vegas and ships everywhere. We don't
      mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
      These signs ship from Columbus, Salt Lake City, Cleveland, Boston, Kansas City, Norfolk and San Diego and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      ft. x ft.

      1 2 5 10 20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $33 $45 $83 $145 $270 $333 $396 $521 $646

      3x1 $39 $58 $114 $208 $396 $489 $583 $771 $959

      1.5x2 $39 $58 $114 $208 $396 $489 $583 $771 $959

      4x1 $45 $70 $145 $270 $521 $646 $771 $1,021 $1,272

      2x2 $45 $70 $145 $270 $521 $646 $771 $1,021 $1,272 Signs can be

      6x1 $58 $95 $208 $396 $771 $959 $1,147 $1,522 $1,898 different.

      3x2 $58 $95 $208 $396 $771 $959 $1,147 $1,522 $1,898 Group shipping

      4x2 $70 $120 $270 $521 $1,021 $1,272 $1,522 $2,023 $2,524 applies.

      3x3 $76 $133 $302 $583 $1,147 $1,428 $1,710 $2,273 $2,836

      5x2 $83 $145 $333 $646 $1,272 $1,585 $1,898 $2,524 $3,149

      6x2 $95 $170 $396 $771 $1,522 $1,898 $2,273 $3,024 $3,775

      4x3 $95 $170 $396 $771 $1,522 $1,898 $2,273 $3,024 $3,775

      5x3 $114 $208 $489 $959 $1,898 $2,367 $2,836 $3,775 $4,714

      4x4 $120 $220 $521 $1,021 $2,023 $2,524 $3,024 $4,026 $5,027

      5x4 $145 $270 $646 $1,272 $2,524 $3,149 $3,775 $5,027 $6,279

      7x3 $151 $283 $677 $1,334 $2,649 $3,306 $3,963 $5,277 $6,592

      8x4 $220 $421 $1,021 $2,023 $4,026 $5,027 $6,028 $8,031 $10,034

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      CheapCheap™ 4 Mil Clear Static Cling Printed With Up to 5 Spot Colors - Mount Inside, View Inside

      die cutting available, quantities from 10 up available, 4 color is not full color it is 4 spot colors.
      These signs ship from Miami, Columbus, Nashville, Denver, San Francisco, Milwaukee and Austin and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      shipping included!
      quantity 10

      1 2 3 4 5 colors

      12"x24" or up to 288
      $204 $263 $323 $383 $441 Signs can be

      18"x24" or up to 432sq in
      $215 $279 $344 $408 $471 different with a small

      24"x24" or up to 576sq in
      $226 $295 $364 $433 $501 art change fee. Group

      24"x36" or up to 864sq in
      $250 $328 $404 $483 $559 shipping applies.

      shipping included!
      These signs ship from Cincinnati, San Diego, Raleigh-Durham, Hartford, Milwaukee, Columbus and Greensboro and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      quantity 25

      1 2 3 4 5 colors

      3"x6" or up to 18sq in
      $184 $236 $289 $340 $393

      6"x6" or up to 36sq in
      $188 $241 $295 $349 $400 Signs can be

      6"x9" or up to 54sq in
      $191 $246 $301 $356 $411 different with a small

      6"x12" or up to 72sq in
      $195 $251 $306 $363 $420 art change fee. Group

      9"x12" or up to 108sq in
      $203 $261 $320 $379 $439 shipping applies.

      12"x12" or up to 144sq in
      $209 $271 $333 $395 $458

      12"x18" or up to 216sq in
      $224 $291 $359 $426 $493

      12"x24" or up to 288sq in
      $238 $311 $384 $458 $530

      18"x24" or up to 432sq in
      $268 $350 $435 $520 $604

      24"x24" or up to 576sq in
      $296 $391 $486 $583 $678

      24"x36" or up to 864sq in
      $354 $471 $589 $708 $825

      shipping included!
      These signs ship from Las Vegas, Memphis, Columbus, Phoenix, Hartford, Miami and San Antonio and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      quantity 250

      1 2 3 4 5 colors

      3"x6" or up to 18sq in
      $216 $283 $345 $411 $476

      6"x6" or up to 36sq in
      $251 $333 $411 $489 $566 Signs can be

      6"x9" or up to 54sq in
      $289 $383 $474 $568 $661 different with a small

      6"x12" or up to 72sq in
      $324 $433 $539 $645 $751 art change fee. Group

      9"x12" or up to 108sq in
      $395 $533 $668 $801 $936 shipping applies.

      12"x12" or up to 144sq in
      $468 $633 $795 $958 $1,120

      12"x18" or up to 216sq in
      $611 $833 $1,051 $1,270 $1,489

      12"x24" or up to 288sq in
      $758 $1,033 $1,308 $1,539 $1,858

      18"x24" or up to 432sq in
      $1,045 $1,433 $1,818 $2,205 $2,593

      24"x24" or up to 576sq in
      $1,333 $1,833 $2,330 $2,830 $3,330

      24"x36" or up to 864sq in
      $1,908 $2,633 $3,355 $4,080 $4,801

      shipping included!
      These signs ship from Minneapolis, Hartford, Miami, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, Cleveland and Atlanta and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.
      quantity 1000

      1 2 3 4 5 colors

      3"x6" or up to 18sq in
      $320 $433 $533 $645 $745 Signs can be

      6"x6" or up to 36sq in
      $470 $633 $795 $958 $1,120 different with a small

      6"x9" or up to 54sq in
      $608 $833 $1,045 $1,270 $1,483 art change fee. Group

      6"x12" or up to 72sq in
      $758 $1,033 $1,308 $1,583 $1,858 shipping applies.